Depression masks

With the introduction of antidepressants into medical practice, the course and prognosis of depression has changed, and the number of erased, masked depressions has increased .       The latent course of depression, the tendency to hide under the guise of…

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Depression prevention

Only a qualified psychologist can give recommendations for the prevention of depression that would help a particular person. At the consultation, a specialist will hold a conversation, make a psychodiagnostic examination and offer advice and recommendations to…

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Biochemistry of unhappiness

Many neurobiological theories of the onset of depression rely on the lack of various neurotransmitters - chemicals through which arousal is transmitted from one nerve cell in the brain to another.        Between the processes of neurons - nerve…

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Pharmacological therapy for bipolar disorder

Scientists pay great attention to the phenomenology of bipolar disorder. This is due to significant difficulties in the diagnosis of this disease, namely , late detection and misdiagnosis, as well as the fact that the pharmacogenic factor influences its course.         …

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Neurotransmitter theories of the onset of depression

Research on depression and the mechanism of action of antidepressants has led to several neurotransmitter hypotheses for the onset of depression. Of these, the catecholamine theory was subsequently most widespread. It is assumed that the cause of depression is…

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Features of the spread of female depression

Depression is a multifactorial condition that includes genetic, biochemical, psychological, hormonal, and social components. In dependence on the prevalence of one of the factors secrete endogenous, psychogenic, organic, somatogenic depression. There are also characteristic features that are…

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