Features of destructive behavior and its main signs

Destructive behavior is an internal state of a person, which is manifested by a verbal or practical method and leads to the destruction of something. The first thing that suffers in this situation is human relationships, their relationships, communication and emotional state.

In simpler terms, this is precisely the period when the inner values of a person are collapsing and everything is in danger. Rudeness towards relatives is manifested, property, personal belongings are damaged, and even violence is committed. Such behavior is considered a deviation from accepted social norms and leads to complete self-isolation.

This behavior is very typical for teenagers when they are experiencing age-related changes and sharp jumps in hormonal growth.

The manifestation of destructive behavior is very often observed:

– in changing the character and temperament of a person,

– the formation of low or, conversely, high self-esteem,

– distortion of personal needs,

– disruption of relationships with family and peers,

– lack of desire to control their behavior.

If you have to observe something like this, then this is destructive behavior. But at the same time, it is important to understand that before starting to “treat” this condition, it is necessary to identify the source of its occurrence.

The main causes of destructive behavior

It is important to note that there are many factors that can provoke this condition. They are associated not only with the way of life, rhythm and behavior, but also with hereditary character.

There are several factors to consider:

biological – people can be hereditarily prone to destruction. These factors are influenced by: gender, endurance, age-related changes, the state of the nervous system;

psychological – any destructive behavior is formed due to external stimuli and psychological characteristics, which determine the attitude and character of a person;

social factors – the influence of the media, traditions and the team in which the person is located, family values. All these factors, in their own way, lay the foundation for our state and perception of the world around us.

It is important to note that the destructive behavior of adolescents is often associated with imitation and emancipation. Modern children are trying to become adults faster, free themselves from their parents, their control and rules of behavior. As a result, they begin to do the opposite and do as their idol behaves, this is a manifestation of imitation.

It is also important to note that the simulation process is largely associated with such factors:

– manifestation of domestic violence,

– psychological trauma: divorce or death of loved ones,

– frequent change of parents, conflicts and physical violence in the family.

As a result, destructive behavior does not appear immediately, it grows out of a state of fear and anger, which takes time, which means that it gives the older generation an opportunity to take a closer look and work on the perfect actions.

The main forms and features of the manifestation of destructive behavior

It is very important to realize that destructive behavior is not a fleeting form that will eventually pass, or, as they like to say, “outgrow”. It is aimed at destroying everything around and even itself.

Depending on social objects, destructive behavior can be divided into several types:

interpersonal : a manifestation of a careless attitude towards oneself, drinking alcohol, non-compliance with the rules of behavior and etiquette, lack of control over speech and even appearance. Weakness and psychological uncertainty is expressed in this case through strange tattoos and scars;

interpersonal : destructive behavior manifests itself in relation to close and familiar people. The significance of connections, traditions, rules is lost;

metapersonal : a personality suffering from destructive deviations refuses to fulfill its role in a particular society. Sometimes such behavior manifests itself in the form of bullying , participation in riots and conflicts.

It is very important to respond in a timely manner to sudden mood swings, a change in the team and friends in communication. More terrible and deeper is intra -destructive behavior, which can even threaten life.

1. Suicidal, when a person decides to commit suicide.

2. Conformist, destructive personality imitates his authority and falls under its influence.

3. Narcissistic, manifestation of empathy, devaluation of relationships, self-confidence and inflated self-esteem.

4. Fanatic, blind adherence to ideas and views, which can lead to irreversible consequences.

5. Autistic, isolation from society and life in one’s own space, self-isolation from everyone and everything.

All these types of classification of destructive behavior lead in the final version to a deterioration in the quality of life, a lack of mutual understanding and a loss of interest in life in general.

The main forms of prevention of destructive behavior

The first rule that allows you to avoid destructive behavior is prevention, socialization of the individual and trusting relationships. Prevention begins in the family and continues in the community, which helps to adapt to life.

The main thing that relies on modern parents is love, control and care. These three factors include such work algorithms:

1. Keep track of who and how your child communicates

2. Teach and explain to your child the basic rules of survival and safety. Give a clear definition of immorality.

3. Monitor your relationship with your child. This does not mean complete control at all, look for the golden mean between trust, control and self-control.

4. Timely identify crisis moments in a child.

5.Help your child find his own business, hobby, passion.

6. Take an interest in the affairs, problems and various situations in your child’s daily life.

7. Monitor your child’s self-esteem.

8. It is important to be an example for your child.

9. Periodically give the child the right to choose.

10. Unobtrusively instill in your child an interest in development.

11. Support his hobbies and help.

12. Build values.

Destructive behavior is common to everyone, it all depends on the emotional state and psychological stability of a person. It is important to know that in each case there is a trigger that starts this whole complex mechanism.

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