Diet for schizophrenia

The intake of certain foods directly affects the emotional state. Many have probably experienced such phenomena as a surge of joy when eating sweets and a feeling of apathy during a strict diet. Schizophrenia is a multifactorial disease influenced by many internal and external factors. And the foods taken are important components that can either slow down the development of a mental disorder or, conversely, increase it.

What is the relationship between nutrition and mental illness?

According to statistics, the mortality of patients with schizophrenia often occurs not only due to the development of a mental disorder, but from problems with the cardiovascular system. Doctors confirm that patients with schizophrenia have a special addiction to foods high in fat, fast-digesting carbohydrates and sugars. This, in turn, leads to the development of diabetes and heart problems. Improper nutrition is complemented by a sedentary lifestyle, addiction to cigarettes and even alcohol. As a result, an increased load acts on the body, which leads to premature death and disability.

How to eat right with schizophrenia

Many sedatives included in the basic rehabilitation course for schizophrenia can provoke hormonal disruptions. The neuroleptics aripiprazole and ziprasidone are considered the most benign . But treatment should always be complex and cannot be limited to only two drugs.

Therefore, it is important for people with manifestations of schizophrenia to follow a diet in order to correct metabolic disorders. There is nothing complicated in the proper nutrition cycle itself – it is only important to discipline yourself and try to adhere to the established rules and recommendations.

What to eat for people with schizophrenia:

– White meat;
– Soy; – Fish products; – Vegetables and fruits; – Cereals or muesli; – Porridges (oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley); – Black bread; – Pasta from durum wheat.

Particular emphasis should be placed on protein foods, as well as ingredients rich in fiber and healthy fats. Useful red fish, herring, stewed or boiled chicken. It is advisable to avoid eating foods fried in oil. It is best to stew them, boil or bake in the oven without adding vegetable fats. Ingredients such as potatoes, soft wheat pasta, white rice are of the least benefit to the body and can cause weight gain.

What to avoid in your diet:

– Sugar in its purest form;
– Vegetable fats (sunflower oil); – Fried potatoes and other high-calorie dishes; – Smoked products, including sausages; – Semi-finished products; – Sweets.

It is important to adhere to the norm of fluid intake and drink at least 1.5 liters per day.

Theories about the relationship between diet and the development of mental disorders

There are several theories that have not been clinically proven. They tell about the relationship of some food components to the mental state and brain function. For example, dietary supplements, including monosodium glutamate, a flavor enhancer, cause an excess release of histamine. And it negatively affects the work of the brain.

Also, experts have noticed that people with gluten intolerance are more likely to develop schizophrenia.

It is important to understand that schizophrenia is not only a mental disorder, but also an emotional failure in the body. And it is necessary to maintain the mental stability of the nervous system with the right food.

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