Psigns of Parkinson’s disease in women

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative pathology of the brain with a sexual “preference”: it occurs in adult and older women less frequently than in men. However, a reduced frequency does not mean that the disease is so rare. Every year the number of patients is growing, and the age of manifestation of the first signs of Parkinson’s in women has decreased from 50-60 years to 35-40. This is due to the accumulation of genetic mutations, environmental pollution, and the fact that women have been working on a par with men in hazardous industries in recent decades.

Despite the fact that a sharp decrease in the level of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the substantia nigra of the brain makes both sexes suffer, each of them has its own characteristics of the symptoms, course and treatment of parkinsonism.

Causes of Parkinson’s Disease in Women

Until now, scientists have not been able to determine exactly why certain people at a certain age disrupt the process of producing dopamine.

  • skull trauma;
  • brain tumors;
  • transferred infections, encephalitis;
  • vascular pathology;
  • taking medications that affect the central nervous system;
  • pesticide poisoning through constant contact;
  • poisoning with toxins;
  • heavy metal salts.

An important role is played by hereditary predisposition. If close relatives (parents or grandparents) showed symptoms, then the chance of its development in descendants greatly increases.

The reasons are the same for both sexes, but ladies have both advantages and disadvantages. The production of estrogen helps maintain the necessary level of dopamine, so women with Parkinson’s are less common than men, their disease usually develops more slowly after menopause. However, there is a flip side of the coin – the reasons that provoke the development of pathology in the beautiful half of humanity:

  • early menopause;
  • 3 or more pregnancies;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • hysterectomy.

Initial signs

Doctors rarely manage to make a correct diagnosis at the first visit to women.

Signs of Parkinson’s disease in women at an early stage are not obvious and coincide with a number of other diseases.

At the initial stage, patients present with five typical complaints:

  1. Violation of the digestive tract, frequent constipation.
  2. Voice change for no apparent reason.
  3. Loss or sharp weakening of the sense of smell.
  4. Developed stoop.
  5. Depression for no apparent reason.

In addition to this, common to all, set of seemingly frivolous signs, women have three special symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in the initial stage:

  1. Sleep disturbance. Active change of position during sleep, screams, sudden uncontrolled movements of the limbs in a state of drowsiness or deep sleep.
  2. Pain in the shoulders, upper spine, occurring suddenly and for no reason.
  3. Increased sweating, increased oiliness of the skin, hair. Increase in the amount of saliva produced.

The first signs of Parkinson’s disease do not appear in adult women in a complex manner, most often gradually being replaced by others over time. Because of this, treatment can rarely be started on time, before the development of the underlying disease complex.

Only experienced neurologists are able to generalize the manifestations, draw the right conclusions and begin treatment of the early stage of Parkinson’s in women.

Neurological symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in women

The progression of the disease leads to a dopamine deficiency of up to 80% and the manifestation of a whole range of characteristic symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in women at an early (1) stage:

Signs of Parkinson’s disease are not at all obvious phenomena and disorders.

Tremor. Trembling in the limbs does not always indicate parkinsonism, especially in old age. It can occur due to hypothermia, excessive physical exertion, emotional overexcitation. However, if the hands tremble in a state of complete rest, you should consult a doctor, since this symptom is characteristic of parkinsonism in women.

Decreased strength of smell, taste . Favorite perfumes smell weaker, and food has to be salted more – all this is a reason to see a doctor.

Change in well-being during menstruation . Exacerbation of Parkinson’s symptoms during menstruation may be a sign of the development of the disease in women 35-45 years old. The cycle at the same time often goes astray, becomes irregular.

A sharp change in handwriting . It becomes incomprehensible, small, clumsy. With age and without daily training, handwriting deteriorates in everyone, the reason for this is the weakening of the ability to fine motor skills, loss of skill, deterioration of vision. But under the influence of these factors, the changes are gradual. And with a disease of the central nervous system – sharp.

Vertigo on standing up abruptly. If previously such a condition was uncharacteristic for a person, then this indicates painful changes in the body.

Facial immobility . Lack of blinking, changes in facial expression in a situation of rest. In emotional situations, facial expressions become insufficient.

Reduced voice volume . Moreover, it often seems to a person that his voice has not changed, and others hear him worse. Articulation changes. If a person began to open his mouth wider, try to pronounce the words more clearly, but at the same time his speech did not become more intelligible – this may be one of the early symptoms of the development of parkinsonism.

Symptoms of the muscular apparatus

Sudden stoop , which was not previously characteristic. If there have been no recent injuries or physical overstrain of the upper spine, shoulder girdle, then you need to contact a neurologist.

Stiffness in the shoulder girdle , constant sudden pain in the neck is a characteristic symptom for ladies.

Rigidity and stiffness in the movement of the joints , which does not go away after the necessary warming up. Often accompanied by painful sensations due to arthritis developing in parallel.

Change in mood, intellectual abilities . Women are characterized by increased anxiety, a tendency to depression, self-isolation. Gradually, with the development of Parkinson’s disease, in the late stage in women, these symptoms are more pronounced. The ability to multitask is lost, the ability to build logical chains is lost, to draw general conclusions from particular cases.

Over time, without the necessary treatment, all of these symptoms increase. They complicate life and make a person helpless. Unable to even fasten buttons on clothes without the support of loved ones. To postpone this moment as much as possible, treatment should be started immediately when the first symptoms of Parkinson’s disease appear in women.


It is impossible to completely stop the decrease and make up for the deficiency of the neurotransmitter dopamine. However, modern medicine is able to slow down the development of the disease, almost completely rid women of the negative effects of symptoms.

Only a qualified doctor can decide how to treat Parkinson’s disease in a particular woman. And only after a thorough diagnosis, taking into account the condition, concomitant diseases, prognosis. At the moment there are 3 directions applied in a complex:

  1. Therapeutic physical activity, gymnastics.
  2. Transcranial magnetic stimulation
  3. Medical treatment.
  4. Surgical intervention (used only with the rapid development of the disease)

Each of the methods gives the desired result only when used systematically. Do not forget also about the need for psychological support for the patient, as patients with parkinsonism often suffer from depressive disorders.

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