Scientists have found a link between personality traits and mental disorders

American researchers have determined that variants of the same gene affect the characteristics of a person’s character. Scientists have also found a link between personality traits and mental disorders. The research is published in the journal Nature Genetics .  

It is known that a person’s personality is formed not only under the influence of sociological factors, but also genetically determined. Scientists at the University of California, San Diego have identified loci (locations of certain genes on chromosomes) in which the alleles of genes have a significant impact on certain characteristics of a person’s personality.

Using human genetic data provided by biotech company 23andMe, scientists have found that a person’s openness or isolation depends on differences in the WSCD2 gene, as well as near the PCDH15 gene. And neuroticism – anxiety and emotional instability of people – is determined by alleles on chromosome 8p23.1 and differences in the L3MBTL2 gene.

Scientists found that genetic similarities were observed in people with neuroticism and in people with chronic depression. Extroverts were “like” people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and curiosity and creativity have been linked to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

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