What is depression and how to deal with it

The personality of a person is always at the epicenter of attention. Much research has been done in this area by scientists from all over the world. Since ancient times, philosophers have determined that the feeling of joy radically affects the behavior and character of a person. In an environment of possible danger or probable threat, emotional changes occur, which can subsequently serve as fertile ground for the development of stress reactions.  

In the media, depression has come to be known as the plague of the twentieth century. Scientists from all over the world have established a detrimental effect on the brain, which affects the human body, disrupting its normal functioning.

A negative state primarily affects the work of the circulatory system, leading to a violation of blood pressure and tachycardia. Significantly affects the mood, thoughts and actions of a person. Based on data from various studies, 20% of the population suffer from this disease.

The socio-economic situation contributes to an increase in depressive reactions. Self-realization gives people the opportunity to change their lives for the better, but they do not have enough strength to bear the burden of responsibility for their own destiny. The result is not only overstrain, but also a depressive state. The disease as a result of which the ability to work decreases, causes inconvenience to yourself and others. The malaise runs in two directions, physically and emotionally.

The main signs of the disease:

  • melancholic, depressed mood;
  • irritability and lack of interest in the environment;
  • in case of deep depression, inability to experience any feelings;
  • self-incrimination;
  • a large variety of imaginary fears;
  • alcohol or drug abuse;
  • eating disorder;
  • desire to take your life;
  • sleep disturbance.

Depression is often misunderstood by the patient himself and his environment, confused with a poor set of human qualities. It should be remembered that this ailment is not just a bad mood, but a curable disease that requires the intervention of specialists. A well-timed conclusion increases the chances of healing.

Reasons for refusing the help of a specialist:

  1. A person is afraid of possible restrictions in public life.
  2. Condemnation from friends that he is being treated by a psychotherapist.
  3. Dangerous consequences of medications that affect the emotional sphere and behavior.

People in need of treatment, without attaching special importance to the symptoms, turn to a therapist. The exact conclusion is established in about 3% of them, respectively, the patient does not receive the necessary therapy. Instead, he is prescribed all sorts of remedies for migraines, to improve digestion, etc., but ultimately remission does not happen. Time wasted, laboratory tests did not reveal anything and they come to a psychiatrist with an advanced or chronic course of the disease.

The effectiveness of therapy is achieved by combining methods (medication or without the use of drugs and therapy technique).

Help for depression:

1. Medical treatment.

It is used in cases with mild, moderate and severe forms of the disease. It is important to comply with the prescribed regimen, regular visits to the doctor and strict adherence to recommendations. It should be remembered that the result of antidepressant treatment appears after a month of regular use.

2. For treatment without drugs, the following methods are used:

  • lectures;
  • keeping a diary, while keeping emotions under control;
  • art therapy;
  • breathing exercises;
  • hypnosis treatment;
  • work with traumas of various origins, ranging from social and ending with experiences from childhood.

3. Psychotherapy is an important adjunct to treatment.

Helps develop skills for emotional self-regulation. Coping with the crisis through several approaches:

  • psychodynamic (unconscious conflicts);
  • behavioral (involvement in social activities);
  • cognitive (changing thinking to develop a realistic and optimistic outlook on life).

Close people can provide all possible help during and after treatment. Support is needed even when the patient does not ask for it.

Less criticism and more understanding will be beneficial. If possible, it is necessary to try to involve a person in some activity, and not prohibit.

Unbearable inner experiences can drive anyone into a dead end, no one is immune from disease. Feelings of self-loathing and self-loathing can trigger thoughts of death. Awakening the desire for life is a difficult task, but doable.

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