Depression facts

Many people feel depressed. It doesn’t have to be a sign of depression, but there are a few things to know about it.

Statistics show that one in twenty people on the planet suffers from this disease. And over time, there are more such people.

Women tend to do this more than men.

Both sexes suffer from depression. However, approximately 70 percent of all visits to a doctor on this matter come from women. There are several reasons for this. The first is biochemistry, because it is female hormones that are involved in the development of depression. The second is the increasing number of social roles women are playing today. Although the statistics may not correspond to reality due to the fact that men are less likely to go to the doctor with their problems, and as a result, some cases may simply not be registered.

Depression most often affects women between 18 and 40 years of age. One in ten suffers from postpartum depression, and half of them may not even seek help. There is another danger – overuse of drugs for depression, which leads to addiction.

Depression depends on genetics

If one of the relatives suffers or has suffered from this ailment, then the risk of being prone to depression is very high. There is no such gene that would be responsible for the development of this disease. It is caused by a whole complex of genes. The more pronounced the symptoms of the disease, the more accurately we can say that they have genetic origins. Among other reasons for its formation even in childhood, there may be external factors. For example, the loss of parents at an early age or humiliation and pressure from adults.

Medication is not always effective against depression

You can often hear from patients that medications have not helped to cope with the disease. There is even a special form of the disease when the disease is resistant to chemicals. Here again, genetics plays a huge role. Namely, the ability of the brain to fight the processes that lead to disease, also affects the process of the body’s perception of medications. It is noticed that with strong manifestations of the disease, drugs are more effective in helping than when the disease is moderate.

Conversation is better than medication

If we are talking about sluggish depression, then visiting a psychologist can have the most beneficial effect on the patient, unlike all antidepressants. For effective treatment, a doctor’s visit and drugs are often prescribed in a complex. But for people who cannot use medicines, such as pregnant and lactating women, a conversation with a psychologist is the only possible way to cope with the disease.

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