Atypical depression

It is one of the variants of depressive disorders. In addition to anxiety, it is characterized by somatic, autonomic, neurosis-like symptoms.

Patients suffer from:

  • increased appetite;
  • obesity;
  • irritability;
  • increased sensitivity to conflicts;
  • frustrations;
  • daily mood swings (worse in the evening than in the afternoon);

The main signs of atypical depression are:

  • fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • binge eating.

There are three clinical forms of depression:

  • anergic depression with psychomotor retardation and asthenia;
  • anxious depression;
  • depression with the reverse form of vegetation – increased appetite in the evening, drowsiness, increased depression in the evening;

Under the group of atypical depression is hysterical depression. It is typical for women after the loss of romantic love. It is characterized by increased drowsiness, taking a large amount of sweets, obesity, labile mood, which improves with increased attention to the patient.

The behavior is characterized by demonstrativeness, theatricality, the desire to attract attention. Patients suffer from excessive drama of experiences caused by the people around them. Often, patients complain of difficulty speaking, headaches, and a lump in the throat. More often, atypical depression is observed in women in 44% of cases, the total number in the population ranges from 0.7-4.8% of cases. The age at which atypical depression occurs is 35 years. Treatment of atypical depression is carried out with MAO inhibitors.

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